Click here for the updated and improved Enneagram Type Preference Test
Determines Basic Type, Candidate Types, Preferred Wings, Tri-Center (aka trifix, tritype)
Enneagram subtypes are variations of an Enneagram type. They most often refer to the Enneagram instinctual subtypes of self-preservation (sp), sexual (sx), and social (so), but may also be used to refer to other variations of Enneagram type such as the wings.
To find your instinctual subtype you first need to determine your Enneagram type. You can then look at the three subtype descriptions to determine your subtype.
Sometimes subtype is used to refer to your preferred wing. To find your preferred wing you first need to determine your Enneagram type. You can then look at the wing types on either side of your type to determine which has more influence on your personality.
The rarest Enneagram subtypes are the counter-types in the sense that they're the most difficult to spot because they don't look like their Enneagram type upon first glance and may even be mistaken for a different type.
Which instinctual subtype is the counter-type depends on the type. The counter-types for each Enneagram type are sx1, sp2, sp3, sp4, sx5, sx6, so7, so8, and so9.