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One path toward finding psychological health and freedom from ego within Enneagram personality type can be found in the holy ideas.
The Enneagram of Holy Ideas is one of five enneagrams associated with Oscar Ichazo's ego-types (along with the fixations, traps, passions, and virtues). While the traps are the false remedy to the fixations of the Enneagram types, the holy ideas are the true remedy.
The fixation represents ego dominated thought that creates a sense of self separate from the world. The trap seems to be the way to resolve the fixation but only perpetuates it. The holy idea sees through the trap and finds freedom from the fixation by stepping outside of the ego.
Taken from a book called Transpersonal Psychologies edited by Charles T. Tart, the descriptions of the holy ideas below come from John C. Lilly and Joseph E. Hart who attended the 1970 Arica retreat with Oscar Ichazo.
Ichazo's holy ideas can seem vague when thought about in terms of the personality types. It helps to restate the fixations, traps, and holy ideas in more precise terms.
The Enneagram fixation is a habit of mind that keeps you stuck in a limited way of looking at the world (obsessive thought). The trap perpetuates that fixation, trying to satisfy the fixation by acting upon it (compulsive response). The holy idea breaks free of this obsessive-compulsive loop created by the fixation and trap by stepping outside of that loop.
Type 1: Holy Perfection is about discovering the perfection of the world as it is instead of trying to impose your own set of standards upon it.
Type 2: Holy Freedom is taking care of your own needs so that you can freely give to others without expecting anything in return.
Type 3: Holy Hope is finding intrinsic value in just being rather than needing affirmation and validation through your accomplishments.
Type 4: Holy Originality involves accepting the common and ordinary in life instead of disdaining it in favor of the unique and special.
Type 5: Holy Omniscience requires participating in life to gain a more complete understanding than can be had by simply observing it.
Type 6: Holy Faith is trusting in yourself and others that you can navigate life in spite of the doubts and questions you may have.
Type 7: Holy Work is following through in the present on what seems uncomfortable or difficult but leads to a deeper satisfaction and joy.
Type 8: Holy Truth is knowing that each person has their own truth to live by and often it won't be the same truth that seems so obvious to you.
Type 9: Holy Love is realizing that love comes to you not by negating yourself for the sake of others but by discovering and pursuing your own path.
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