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Ego-In: The roots of Enneagram personality type 9

Type 9 Ego: Ego-In


The roots of the Enneagram types come from Oscar Ichazo's ego types. The ego types identified how a person was fixated in ego and the remedy for finding freedom from that.

Below are descriptions of Oscar Ichazo's ego type 9 fixation, trap, holy idea, passion, and virtue reinterpreted for today's Enneagram personality types.

  • Type 9 Fixation and Trap

    Fixation: Indolence is about resisting demands and expectations that disrupt a feeling of harmony and continuity.

    Trap: A seeker of harmony and belonging that accommodates by going along with others and not rocking the boat.

    The fixation of indolence points to the mental preoccupation of the type 9 ego. The trap of seeker keeps an individual stuck in the fixation.

  • Type 9 Holy Idea

    Holy Idea: Holy Love is realizing that love comes to you not by negating yourself for the sake of others but by discovering and pursuing your own path.

    The fixation of indolence and trap of seeker keep an individual stuck in the type 9 fixation. The way out of that fixation is through holy love.

  • Type 9 Passion

    Passion: Laziness is a difficulty with defining and accomplishing goals. "I tend to go along with what others are doing and lose myself in routine and comfort."

    The passion of laziness is the emotional energy that serves the fixation of indolence and trap of seeker.

  • Type 9 Virtue

    Virtue: Action appears when you pursue what's meaningful to you instead of simply going along to get along or falling into habitual routines and comfort.

    The virtue of action is what appears when the passion of laziness subsides.

To learn more about Enneagram personality type 9 click here.

Click here for the Complete Guide to the Enneagram.

This free guide explains
  • the nine Enneagram personality types
  • the many type variations within type
  • where the types came from (origins and history)
  • how the types use the Enneagram symbol

Click here for Enneagram tests.

These free tests help you find your
  • primary type
  • candidate types
  • preferred wing
  • intinctual subtype
  • instinctual variant stacking
  • center types (gut, heart, and head)
  • tri-center with wings

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