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The roots of the Enneagram types come from Oscar Ichazo's ego types. The ego types identified how a person was fixated in ego and the remedy for finding freedom from that.
Below are descriptions of Oscar Ichazo's ego type 7 fixation, trap, holy idea, passion, and virtue reinterpreted for today's Enneagram personality types.
Type 7 Fixation and Trap
Fixation: Planning is about looking forward to many exciting possibilities and a way to fit them all into one's life.
Trap: Idealism that is enthused about what's possible but moves on to what's next when the enthusiasm wanes.
The fixation of planning points to the mental preoccupation of the type 7 ego. The trap of idealism keeps an individual stuck in the fixation.
Type 7 Holy Idea
Holy Idea: Holy Work is following through in the present on what seems uncomfortable or difficult but leads to a deeper satisfaction and joy.
The fixation of planning and trap of idealism keep an individual stuck in the type 7 fixation. The way out of that fixation is through holy work.
Type 7 Passion
Passion: Gluttony of the mind is the pull felt toward interesting possibilities. "Why get mired in boredom or discomfort when pleasurable alternatives are available?"
The passion of gluttony is the emotional energy that serves the fixation of planning and trap of idealism.
Type 7 Virtue
Virtue: Sobriety appears when you see endeavors through to the end instead of moving on to something easier and more interesting than what's at hand.
The virtue of sobriety is what appears when the passion of gluttony subsides.
To learn more about Enneagram personality type 7 click here.
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