Click here for the updated and improved Enneagram Type Preference Test
Determines Basic Type, Candidate Types, Preferred Wings, Tri-Center (aka trifix, tritype)
A good Enneagram test will narrow your type down to several candidates. While your type most likely will be the top score it also may be one that's a close second or third.
Once you have several candidates for your type you can then compare just those types to each other. You can do this by reading the descriptions of those types and taking a type comparison test.
Enneagram User Guide has a number of free Enneagram tests that can help you find your primary type, candidate types, preferred wing, instinctual subtype, instinctual variant stacking, tri-center (head, heart, and gut types) with wings, and type comparison tests.
There is also a test results analysis page that lets you analyze the results of any test that gives you separate scores for each type.
There are a number of free Enneagram tests on the Internet, but most don't go into a thorough analysis of your test results (at least not for free). If you have the scores for all nine types then you can enter them into this test results analysis page for a free analysis.
If you need a free test that will give you scores for all nine types then take a look at this list.