Click here for the updated and improved Enneagram Type Preference Test
Determines Basic Type, Candidate Types, Preferred Wings, Tri-Center (aka trifix, tritype)
What is the Enneagram?
When someone mentions the Enneagram (pronounced any-a-gram) they're most likely talking about the nine personality types represented by the nine numbers on the Enneagram symbol or diagram.
What is my Enneagram number?
You may hear people referring to themselves or other people as numbers (e.g., I'm a 1, She's a 2). Your Enneagram number or type is the one that best describes how you are most of the time.
Athough there are only nine types, there are many variations within each type described through concepts such as wings, instincts, and centers.
A good place to start exploring your type and variations is with the free type preference test on this website. It will suggest and explain not only your most likely Enneagram type but also alternate candidates for your type, your preferred wing, your gut, heart, and head types, and your tri-center with wings.
After that you may want to follow up by taking a test to explore your Enneagram instincts (i.e., your instinctual subtype and instinctual variant stacking).
What do my Enneagram test results mean?
If you've already taken a test elsewhere, or plan to, you can use the test results analysis app to more fully explore what those test scores mean.
What if I can't decide between two or more types?
If you've narrowed your type or variation down to a few possibilities you can explore some free type comparison tests that compare two specific types or wing types of a given type.
There are also comparison tests to help determine your type in a given center (i.e., gut type, heart type, head type).
Are Enneagram tests accurate?
Enneagram tests suggest what your type or variation may be. Some tests are better than others but they are nowhere near 100% accurate.
They can provide a starting point for your exploration or help you narrow down possibilities when deciding between two or more types.
It can sometimes help by taking multiple tests from different sources, but sometimes that can also create more confusion.
Ultimately it's up to you to verify the accuracy of the tests by learning more about the types suggested and determining how well they fit for you.
Where can I learn more about the Enneagram types?
There is a lot of information about the Enneagram types on the Internet, but not all of that information is accurate or complete.
A good place to start learning about the Enneagram types is the Complete Guide to the Enneagram: The Personality Types Explained. It's a free comprehensive guide offered on this website where you can learn more about the nine Enneagram types, their variations, the origins of and influences upon the types, and how the types use the Enneagram symbol.